We already had a big sloppy crush on the English megafashion mecca Topshop -- set to open soonish (first they said late summer '08, then fall '08, and now we're looking at spring, apparently) on Broadway in SoHo -- but when they unveiled plans to have a bar on the ground floor, well, we kind of wanted to marry them.
Sadly, Topshop's application for a full liquor license was turned down, which should surprise exactly zero people. Apparently "buildings on Broadway are not able to serve liquor on their first floor," according to an Eater correspondent (who apparently attended the hearing), who goes on to ask, does that mean "they could apply for a liquor license for another floor?" Oh, Eater mole, your love of logic is adorable! Don't you know the new New York is the enemy of fun? Seriously, you can't have more than one pleasuresource under one roof (see: cabaret law that prohibits dancing pretty much everywhere), or it'll be total debauchery!
But in truth, you know who's really going to lose out in this equation? Those poor sadsack boyfriends and husbands who get dragged along on their ladies' shopping sprees, forced to turn over their Saturday afternoon to ferreting out the one Manchair in the store and reading a crispy four-month-old issue of Details. Bless their poor, thirsty hearts.