With newspapers dying and national attention spans shrinking quickly to sizes no larger than 140-character Tweets, can anyone save print? Maybe! Last year, avid reader J.J. Abrams bought the rights to "Mystery on Fifth Avenue," a New York Times story about a Manhattan apartment with an interior designed as an elaborate puzzle. And now, Variety reports that Abrams's production company Bad Robot will adapt "The Untold Story of the World's Biggest Diamond Heist," an article in April's Wired magazine about the incredible exploits of an Italian thief and the $100 million robbery he almost got away with. Both stories are great reads and they sound like they'll make terrific movies. We applaud Abrams for saving journalism and think this is way more creative than that time he remade Godzilla.
JJ Abrams producing heist film [Variety]
The Untold Story of the World's Biggest Diamond Heist [Wired]
Earlier: J.J. Abrams to Make Movie About World’s Most Annoying Interior Designer