Yesterday The Wall Street Journal revealed that a former accountant for American Apparel has filed a wrongful termination lawsuit against infamously shady CEO Dov Charney. Even the illustration accompanying the article gives Charney a greaseball hipster-meets-Unabomber quality. The aforementioned ex-accountant, Roberto Hernandez, alleges that Charney pressured him to "pad the inventory" back in 2006 to lure investors. When Hernandez refused, he was fired.
Now, guileless as Charney may appear (har har), he's no stranger to lawsuits, though this might be one of the first that doesn't involve allegations of sexual harassment. Just this past January, he went on trial after a former employee claimed he had once met with her wearing only a well-placed sock (hint: it wasn't on his foot) and asked her to masturbate with him. Incredibly, he's already admitted to some pretty crazy office antics, including traipsing around the office in his underroos (American Apparel, of course) and using some pretty foul language. Oh, and then there were the other lawsuits filed by former employees back in 2005 alleging "sexual misconduct and innuendo and an environment in which women did not feel safe." Maybe that SNL spoof back in September wasn't that far off ...