Happy Earth Day! Picnic for the Planet at a Park Near You

In celebration of Earth Day, the Nature Conservancy is asking people to "Picnic for the Planet."

"Picnic for the Planet is a celebration of the planet we live on, the food it provides and the people we share it with," Nature Conservancy says. "In short, the planet does a lot for us, we should take it out for lunch."

The organization has partnered with Meetup to help picnickers organize or find the nearest picnic (here's a list of spots around New York City).

Here's what the Nature Conservancy asks you to do while you prepare your picnic:

  • Eat Smart (Find out what's in your food and where the ingredients come from, and learn how to decode food labels like "shade-grown," "organic," and "cage-free")
  • Eat Local (Find in-season, local produce and other goods at nearby grocery stores, at farmer's markets or through a community-supported agriculture program. Buying local reduces the distance a food item travels from the farm to your table, helping to minimize greenhouse gas emissions and often reduce packaging.)
  • Eat Sustainably (Learn more about making conscious food choices and ensuring that the seafood we eat come from a sustainable source.)
  • Eat Green (Eating more fruits and vegetables in your diet can help curb greenhouse gas emissions and slow deforestation rates.)

To learn more, visit earthday.nature.org.

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