SUGAR AND SPICE: In our experience, gingerbread tends to cleave: People either love it or hate it. A new cookbook by Jennifer Lindner McGlinn is for the former group: “Gingerbread: Timeless Recipes for Cakes, Cookies, Desserts, Ice Cream, and Candy” (Chronicle, ($19.95) brings together 60 traditional and modern recipes – we’ll take the Gingerbread Rum Cake and Sticky Toffee Gingerbread, please – with photos that you’ll be tempted to lick. Available at Strand Books, 828 Broadway, 212-473-1452.
GOING ONCE: Last call for bags, clothing, shoes, jewelry and more from the current and past seasons of Hayden-Harnett, slashed to between 40 and 80% off at the warehouse sale. Today’s the last day to scoop up one of their coveted Burke satchels for is $335, down from $670. The Collective Showroom, 16 West 36th Street.
REDUX: The best part about this oversized maple candle at Sustainable NYC isn’t even the gorgeous, Currier-and-Ives-ish snow scene on the tin – it’s that the whole thing is recycled: They’re made using genuine Quebecois syrup tins. $12.95 at Sustainable NYC, 139 Avenue A, 212-254-5400.
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