Where to Eat 2009

Adam Platt takes over the magazine this week with his annual Where to Eat guide. Peering into his greasy crystal ball, Platt sees a return to modesty in restaurants in 2009. We'll be spending a smaller pile of disposable income at places that offer simple, fresh ingredients, comfort food, and (hooray!) bargains. Platt picks his ten favorite restaurants of 2008, including Convivio, Ko, and late entrants Corton and the John Dory. Platt also identifies the city's best chefs you haven't heard of (Harold Moore at Commerce is one); the best food under $10; and the city's best cocktails. Grub Street's favorite part of this annual eating orgy is, of course, "Trends We're Tired Of," even though we're not sure where we'd be without fro-yo, food trucks, and blended burger meat. While Platt looks back, Rob Patronite and Robin Raisfeld are the ghosts of food yet to come. The pair rounds up some dinner options for New Year's Eve and gets an early look at Co., Jim Lahey's new Chelsea pizza spot that opens this week.

Read more posts by Aileen Gallagher

Filed Under: adam platt, co., in the magazine, nightlife, openings, rob patronite, robin raisfeld, where to eat

Previously on NYmag.com's Grub Street...

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