Won't You Be Our Neighbor?


We've long adored Simon Doonan and Jonathan Adler, both separately and as the adorable couple they've been for all these years.

This week's New Yorker just made us fall more deeply in love. Each quote in the piece is like a perfect little taste of what an evening in their "palatial gay fantasia" of an apartment would be like.

A few tasty morsels below:

SD on his memoir: “When the book was optioned, everyone thought I’d start flying to work in a mink-lined helicopter."

SD on his day job: “If Virginia Woolf had had two days a week at the ham counter at Harrods, she mightn’t have offed herself.”

JA to SD (who is 14 years older): "You're the ultimate mantique."

SD on getting older: “Ever since I passed fifty, I’m aging in French. It’s more glamorous.”

Thank you, Simon. We will from this point forward also age only in French.

Sponsored Topics: Virginia Woolf - New Yorker - Harrods - Gay Lesbian and Bisexual - Simon Doonan

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