Return of the Face Paint


We had a little thing in my family when I was younger that when someone was wrong, he/she had to repeat this sentence three times in rapid succession, "You were right and I was wrong."

Now, I'm not willing to completely concede on the face paint front by any means, but I do have to admit that Drew Barrymore may have been on to a trend (albeit one I'm not necessarily into) with her painted cheeks and forehead at Bonnaroo.

This spread from a story in the newest issue of V Magazine (shot by Willy Vanderperre) shows Iris sporting the darker, edgier version, in comparision to Drew's hippie fairy.

Regardless of my feelings on the matter, it seems that I may have to accept this as a trend for a bit longer than expected. But then again, it might just grow on me, in which case I'll totally do the "You were right..." speech, even if you all can't hear me.

Sponsored Topics: Drew Barrymore - Bodypainting - Hippie - Bonnaroo Music Festival - Family

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