Maguire Steele Needs Interns

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Maguire Steele's looking for interns and we think it'd be the perfect place to start.

The relatively new PR firm reps both the big, Rag & Bone, to the small, Billy Reid, to the very cool, Odin, Den, Pas de Deux.

They need interns who can work three days a week from 10am to 7pm. They'll give you school credit if you need it, though you won't get paid. In return, you'll deal with the usual sample trafficking, press clipping, mailing, running errands and most importantly, for you at least, helping with all things Spring Fashion Week.

You should be excited to learn, very organized, detail-oriented and excellent at communicating. Your main interest should probably be PR though you'll obviously need to love all things fashion, too.

So if you've been slacking on your intern apps, we think you should apply, take it and give us a heads up on who'll be sitting front row at Rag & Bone this year, or maybe throw a dress or two our way.

Email your resume and cover letter to

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