High Standards


As of today, the fashion crowd in NYC has a new go-to dining establishment, The Standard Grill at Andre Balazs' recently opened Standard Hotel, just under fashion's other favorite new spot, the High Line.

Fashion publicists, designers, stylists, and editors have been flocking to the restaurant's previews the past couple of weeks and we got our taste on Friday (at a table next to Pat Field!)

Random side note for those of you who watched this season of Make Me a Supermodel, Mountaha is totally waiting tables there.

We expect that many an industry event will be held at the spot and we can't wait. And of course we'd be remiss if we didn't give you guys a couple of our amateur critic recommendations: the "million dollar" chicken with smashed potatoes, the haricots verts salad (with a cinnamon twist), and pretty much anything on the desert menu - though we were partial to the chocolate milkshake and Snickerdoodles combo.

Now we just need for the beer garden to open so we can pretend to work off our sinful eating with a wicked game of Ping Pong.

Sponsored Topics: Standard Hotel - High Line - Andre Balazs - New York City - Design

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