Blythe Doll + McQ = Target Ads

blonde blythe doll.jpg

If there are any casting directors out there wondering why they didn't get a call back about the McQ for Target ad campaign, we hope you didn't take it personally.

The clothes in the ad, which hit Target stores next month, are modeled by a blonde we all know very well - the Blythe doll, one with blonde hair, blue eyes and bangs.

No, it's not a Barbie of Gwyneth's mom, but a certain type of doll that was sold in the US only for the year of 1972, famous for her eyes that changed color whenever you pulled the string that came out of her back.

No word on whether this was a cost-cutting measure or a way to tickle the cost-cutting masses, but we bet it'll be a hit on blogs everywhere right away. We hope no blonde models' feelings get hurt in the releasing of this campaign...

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