If you've ever been to a street festival in Williamsburg's Little Italy you can attest to the area's diversity. You might have also feared a Hasid-versus-hipster-versus-Italian-granny face-off, but somehow everyone always seems to get along. And somehow perogies and pizza and flat beer in styrofoam cups has always worked.
And it's a truism that Brooklynites, in general, like to talk. Sit down any old school Northsider and you may be sorry you ever started the conversation unless you have a good long while.
Now NAG (Neighbors Allied for Good Growth) is putting both of these traits to good use with a story project in the style of NPR's Story Corps. Keith Wagstaff, of Williamsburg is Dead, is working with NAG on the North Brooklyn Story Project and recording people's stories. "We are going to collect hundreds of stories from every demographic in North Brooklyn in the hope that we can share those with the community in a variety of ways. I'm looking for people to interview about why they moved here, what they hope for the neighborhood's future and anything else they feel like sharing." he says. Those who are interested in recording their piece of local history should email the project to set up a time to meet. At least you know Keith will listen.