Matt Maggiacomo shows you how to burn through Brooklyn this weekend, making stops at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden and a kooky Dumbo soiree.
+Start out at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden for the annual Cherry Blossom Festival. This year's event includes 50 performances, and there's also something special for anime fans.
+ It's time to make your way out to Williamsburg to McCarren Park. May 2 marks the much-anticipated opening of the Market in McCarren, a weekly outdoor independent artist and designer market. It's a hotspot for trendsetters and a cafe serving organic and locally produced food.
+ Stay put in Williamsburg a little longer, make your way over to north 1st and Kent for SLAM's new show, Catapult. The show bends the rules of physics and gravity.
+ Head back south to Dumbo to Galapagos Art Space for a costume party celebrating Depression-era debauchery. The kooky soiree benefits Williamsburg's Brick Theater.