What's Up With 163 Washington Avenue


We got a hopeful inquiry along with this photo from a Clinton Hill resident wondering whether the fact that the top of 163 Washington Avenue had been wrapped in a tarp might signal that the developers had decided to stop at 10 stories rather than 18. We asked around with some people who've been closely monitoring the situation and it doesn't look like that's the case. "Brace yourself for the behemoth," was one reply. Bottom line: As far as we hear, everything's proceeding according to plan.
Development Watch: 163 Washington Avenue Rising [Brownstoner]
Development Watch: 163 Washington Avenue Takes Root [Brownstoner]
Back in Business at 163 Washington Avenue [Brownstoner]
Work Resuming at 163 Washington Avenue? [Brownstoner]
11th Hour Compromise at 163 Washington? [Brownstoner]
Fate of 163 Washington Avenue Still TBD [Brownstoner] GMAP DOB
BSA Considers 163 Washington Plans For a 3rd Time [Brownstoner]
Day of Reckoning for 163 Washington Avenue? [Brownstoner]

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