So a large development of mediocre design has gone bankrupt leaving your neighborhood with the prospect of a hulking, half-built pile of concrete blighting your neighborhood for the next decade—what do you do? If you're the Kensington-based community group Stable Brooklyn and the building in question is Moshe Feller's 23 Caton Place you try to get the bank and a new developer to the table to create a plan to convert the building into an affordable housing project. So far, according to an article today on Arch Paper, there seems to be a real possibility that this could happen, though the complicated bankruptcy proceedings threaten to delay even the most coordinated and best-intentioned efforts. "This is no Chrysler,” half-joked Brad Lander, the former Pratt Center director who was involved in the downzoning of the neighborhood and has been working with Stable Brooklyn on this initiative. “I’m afraid five years from now, it could still be as is,” says Megan Miller, an architect and member of Stable Brooklyn.
Second Life [Arch Paper]
The Decline and Fall of 23 Caton Place [Brownstoner]
Little Progress on 23 Caton Place [Brownstoner] GMAP
Bank Sues Caton Place Developer [Brownstoner] DOB
Work Stops at Caton Place Condos [Brownstoner]
At 23 Caton Place, Laborers Labor on Labor Day [Brownstoner]