The Flea in Tweets


Photo: Yesterday's Pop-Up Flea in the Manhattan Bridge Arch.
2ndstorywindow: Rain rain stay away so we can go to the Brooklyn flea....tobeBRIEf: brunch & brooklyn flea...krisipen: exhausted from a fun filled friend weekend. yankee game, 40/40 until 5am, brooklyn flea etc...joshderr: Looking forward to the Brooklyn Flea under the Manhttan Arch today!...nlittlejohns: Had the most amazing first day in Brooklyn: gorrilla coffee, bagel with cream cheese and lox, flea Market, shopping, dinner, then...bklynisbetter: kinda miffed i missed the brooklyn flea today...reading about a slamming korean hot dog...ahevelon23: Brooklyn Flea for an AsiaDog and to find a table for my bedroom. Also a lamp. But mostly the kimchee hot dog...OutAbtBKLYN: The Sartorialist should SO shoot the Brooklyn Flea...mad mixed-up fashion all around, beautiful boys & girls galore...dishola_girl: - Eating Artisan cheesemonger and McLure brother pickle grilled cheese sammies at the Brooklyn Flea...catbirdnyc: Had a great time at the brooklyn flea today. Picked up some things for my imaginary roof deck...dwylie75: Asiadog at Brooklyn flea!! So good...obriano: At the Brooklyn Flea gettin my market on...mahon_e: Japanese curry hot dogs w kimchi apples at Brooklyn flea = bomb...bsandusky: - Spotted: Ted Allen at the Brooklyn Flea.

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