In response to readers last week who were daunted by the idea of loping backward 82 weeks to find floor plans we’re showing off the garden duplex via a short (amateur) video of the space as it is this week. Click here for the youtube video:
Below are the floor plans for those of you who want a closer look. It’s helpful for us to refresh ourselves with the layouts, too. With all the issues that come up after the architectural plans are signed off we tend to forget how our end product will come together. We know the color of grout in the bathroom wall tiles but can’t remember if the toilet is next to the tub or the sink. It’s worth taking a moment to reconnect with the larger vision.
Inside Third & Bond: Weeks 1-83 [Brownstoner]
Our new legal fine print: The complete offering terms are in an Offering Plan available from Sponsor. File No. CD080490. Sponsor: Hudson Third LLC, 826 Broadway, New York, NY 10003.