While $1,245,000 may on its surface sound like a low price for a brownstone in Fort Greene, it may not be such a great deal if the house is less than 14 feet wide and devoid of any historic charm, as is the case with 180 Adelphi Street; in addition, the block between Myrtle and Willoughby is not traditionally the most sought-after location in the neighborhood. The two-family listing isn't doing itself any favors either with the paltry and poorly-executed selection of photos (we had to hit the pavement and snap this exterior shot ourselves). Come on...
180 Adelphi Street [Awaye Realty] GMAP P*Shark
Open House Picks 4/24/09 [Brownstoner]
var basePrice=1245000;
initPriceWidget (thisInstanceId, basePrice);