Gowanus Rezoning Draft Scope Comin' Atcha


In anticipation of the scoping meeting scheduled for March 10 at Brooklyn Borough Hall, the Department of City Planning has released the draft scope of work for the proposed Gowanus Canal rezoning. The proposal aims to transition the area from an exclusively manufacturing area (it's currently zoned both M1-2 and M2-1) to a mixed-use area with increased access to the canal and incentives to develop affordable housing; streetwall building heights would be capped at 55 feet on Bond and Nevins and 65 feet along other narrow streets; buildings on these blocks could be 85 feet tall after a setback while some site south of Carroll would be allowed to reach 125 feet. City Planning projects that the rezoning would impact 26 development sites with a total net gain of over 3,000 residential units and almost 35,000 square feet of additional retail. For more detail, refer to the Scoping Notice or the longer Draft Scope of Work. Click on the map above for a larger version or on this link to see the proposed zoning.
City Planning Reviews Gowanus Rezoning [Brownstoner]
Planning Details Gowanus Proposal [Brownstoner]

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