Development Watch: 93 Nevins More Fully Revealed


When we trumpeted the removal of the scaffolding from 93 Nevins Street back in February, we also noted that the developer was predicting that sales would start as soon as March and as late as Earth Day. Well, both deadlines have passed. At least, though, we can now see what material was chosen for the two-story addition. Personally, we're not loving the choice; nor would we have gone with the white windows but chacun a son gout.
Scaffolding Down, Listings Imminent at 93 Nevins [Brownstoner]
Development Watch: Progress at the Health House [Brownstoner]
Development Watch: 93 Nevins Making Progress [Brownstoner]
93 Nevins: Like Molasses [Brownstoner] GMAP P*Shark DOB
Development Watch: 93 Nevins Street [Brownstoner]
OHNY Report: Double Your Eco-Friendly Pleasure [Brownstoner]

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