Council Readying Stalled-Development Bill


More on the bill brewing in the City Council to address the hundreds of stalled construction sites around town: "There is a bill pending before the City Council that would give extensions on building permits to developers who adhere to certain standards of safety and upkeep at stalled sites. The plan would also help the city to get a handle on the true scope of the problem by encouraging developers to come forward when they run into hurdles. 'The first goal is to maintain public safety through this period,' said Edward Skyler, the deputy mayor for operations. 'The second is to remove bureaucratic delays where permits expire and you still have to wait, even if you have financing together.' Under normal circumstances, building permits expire after 12 months of inactivity. The new legislation, expected to be taken up by the council this fall, would provide developers with two-year permits that could be renewed regardless of construction activity, giving them up to four years to get their financing in order."
Fighting Eyesores Before They Start [NY Times]
Williamsburg Ranks #1 in City's Stalled-Site Sweepstakes [Brownstoner]

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