CB7 Approves Park Circle Changes


Last week was a big one for Park Circle, the traffic roundabout at the Southeast corner of Prospect Park where the major roadways of Prospect Park Southwest, Ocean Parkway, Coney Island Avenue and Parkside Avenue all come together. Earlier this year, the Department of Transportation began examining short-term improvements it could make to balance the interests of pedestrians, bicyclists and horseback riders with the drivers navigating the hectic circle. Last Tuesday night DOT presented its recommendations [PDF] to the community and on Wednesday Community Board 7 voted to support them. Here's a summary from Streets Blog:
1) For pedestrians: new, direct and shorter crosswalks;
2) For cyclists: Class 1 bike path around the circle; connection to the Ocean Parkway Greenway; Class 1 bike path on Ft. Hamilton Parkway;
3) For equestrians: Protected bridle path within the circle;
4) For motorists: Park through-traffic will be consolidated to one access point.

Good news?
DOT Proposes Park Circle Improvements; CB 7 Approves [Streets Blog]
Brooklynites Suggest Park Circle Safety Fixes [Streets Blog]
Changes Coming to Park Circle this Fall [Stable Brooklyn]

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