59 Orient, Half-Butchered, Is Back on the Block


The story of 59 Orient Avenue is a sad one. The 6,000-square-foot former squat had never been landmarked when it came up for sale a couple of years ago and the house came with the kind of lot size and accompanying FAR that makes developers drool. Ultimately, someone ponied up $1,725,000 (a good deal less than the asking price of $2,500,000) and started ripping it to shreds, though it's unclear what the ultimate goal was because only a single building permit was filed and it only referenced relatively minor renovation activities and did not seek to change the C of O. Regardless, the owner managed to do a world of damage before losing his mojo. Now, notes the blog Flavorwire, the house is back on the market with a broker named Capri Jet. The asking price is $1,389,000 and, according to the broker, it needs a total gut.
59 Orient Avenue Listing [Capri Jet]
Open Letter to Michel Gondry: Buy This House [Flavorwire]
Another One Bites the Dust? [Brownstoner] GMAP P*Shark
House of the Day: Endangered on Orient Avenue [Brownstoner]

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