As we reported back in November, the new-ish owners of 470 Vanderbilt have ambitious plans to reposition the existing 600,000-square-foot commercial building, which had been configured as a telecom hotel during the Dotcom boom, while constructing a new 10-story mixed-use building fronting Fulton Street. At the request of City Planning, Community Board 2's Land Use Committee met last week to review the plans for the new building (which is larger than allowed by current zoning but includes a 100 units of affordable housing) before it went to ULURP. According to The Brooklyn Paper, the committee voted 13-0 in support of the project. This must have made the project's champion, Council Member Letitia James happy. “I like the affordable housing, the supermarket and retail components,” she told The Brooklyn Paper.
‘Telecom Hotel’ Vacancy Filled by Housing [Brooklyn Paper]
Big Plans for 470 Vanderbilt [Brownstoner] GMAP