The ugliest fights are always the ones over the crumbs. Today, comes word that Brooklyn is going to sink some money into a marketing effort to steal lure businesses from Manhattan and New Jersey to empty Downtown office space which, naturally, offers (surprise) cheaper rent. The push is going to come from the Downtown Brooklyn Partnership and is described as an "aggressive marketing campaign" that will include ads, direct marketing and "promotions." No slogan yet or price tag or word on whether execs will be sent to the Four Seasons on Maui for two week in an oceanfront villa to try to convince them to move to Brooklyn. Meanwhile, the Brooklyn Borough President, last noted in the context of how he gets and spends public money, says he's hot to trot: "The 'Brooklyn Renaissance' continues to transform Downtown Brooklyn into one of America's most livable downtowns - a vibrant, 24/7, live-work urban center..." We're going to guess that Junior's gets a no-bid contract to send cheesecakes to every business in North Jersey and Manhattan.
· Brooklyn Going Fi$hing [NYP]
· Downtown Brooklyn Partnership []For more stories from Curbed, go to