Many often criticize America for its exclusionary two-party political system. And now Mayor Michael Bloomberg may be finding out that even as a billionaire, one can get all dolled up but still find themselves without an invite to a party. This is what happens when you burn political bridges.
After sacking the Republican Party in 2007 so that he could play "Will He or Won't He? (run for President)" with the media -- eventually choosing, of course, not to challenge Martin Lincoln Kennedy Obama -- Bloomy is having trouble securing support from the GOP, his party line for each of his previous campaigns. The once and future mayor needs three of five party chairs to have his back, and all of them are claiming they'd rather turn Democrat than go with Bloomberg again. Ouch.
Bloomberg's play for support from the Independence Party lines is receiving a similarly ambivalent response, and for much the same reasons; after helping him become mayor, Bloomberg has shown little support for the party.
This is compounded by Bloomberg only being in this position after re-writing city code to seek a third term, despite a history of playing Political Bouncer and blocking similar attempts by others.
When City Council members were considering a runaround the term limit law in 2004 to keep their jobs, the Mayor said, "I think it would be an absolute disgrace to go around the public will," and squashed it.
And before Bloomberg was first inaugurated, Giuliani sought a third-term extension after 9/11 to "assure those people who are uncomfortable and nervous and worried that it would be a smooth transition." Bloomberg was opposed to the very principle of it, and stonewalled Rudy.
So now Bloomberg's attempt to prolong his tenure for another four years strikes as slightly ironic; even more so considering the unprecedented amount of money spent in his last two bids to garner (some would say "buy") votes. If Bloomberg does succeed where Rudy failed, it will have as much to do with his coffers and his deal-making as anything else.