The bike clowns were up early Wednesday morning, meeting around 8:30 a.m. at the Brooklyn side of the Williamsburg Bridge for a ride down Kent Avenue. As we previously reported, the bike lane has angered Hasidic residents who say the lane messes with their parking situation, and brings scantily clad womenfolk passing through their neighborhoods. Some have even taking to playing Chicken with passing bikers. While local politicians have supported the lane's construction in the past, a recent letter to the DOT revealed their wishes for a more community-friendly bike lane plan.
The clowns, organized by Times Up!, were decked out in "festive holiday gear and "Love Your Lane" vests" and when they encountered trucks blocking the lanees, they "did a symbolic slo-mo crash, and in at least one instance stuck police tape to the offending vehicle, then danced around to music blaring from a "Time's Up" box attached to one rider's bike before proceeding," all according to the Village Voice, which was on the scene.
They also noted that on the way back to Manhattan, they saw "three Corrections paddy wagons, sirens wailing and lights flashing, headed down toward the scene of the mime," so there might be a handful of clowns in NYPD booking right now. We attempted to contact Times Up! for an update, but have yet to hear back.
Photo via Flickr user mandiberg, used with Creative Commons permissions.