Bar Blanc Bistro 142 West 10th Street at Greenwich Avenue; (212) 255-2330;
Bar menu standouts: crisped pig’s ears (everywhere these days, from Damon Frugal Fridays to Aldea, but boy are they tasty), a sardine wrapped in pancetta, mac ‘n cheese with applewood smoked bacon, homemade terrine with cornichons, “Blanc” burger with Vermont cheddar, homemade pickles and – wait for it – “Bone Marrow Bordelaise Mayo.” (And fries.)
They'll run you: $2.95 (per for market oysters) to $15 (for the burger, which really is a meal)
Washed down with: A Caipiroska – a.k.a. caipirinha made with vodka instead of the usual cachaça (though really, at that point, is it still a caipirinha? Heavy questions, these.). Or a nice, bright Grimbergen Ale.
Tip: The ex-Bar Blanc has gone nouveau pauvre of late with a minor makeover and recessiony menu revamp (all of which we think suits chef Sebastiaan Zijp’s tastes just fine). But things are even cheaper between 5:30 and 7PM Sunday through Friday, when they slash 50% off drinks and the bar food menu (some exceptions apply).