A Sexy Bushwick Ghost Vixen: Sorry, it's not a 2008 hipster…

Sorry, it's not a 2008 hipster ghost. It's an 1894 Bushwick ghost who used to run around "in the scantiest attire, with disheveled hair and bare feet, and falls into a fit of hysterics" when somebody go near her. At one point 200 people went out to try to find this "ghostly vixen." No luck, except for one dude who caught a "serpentine dance" and "moaning wail." The best part, though, is that 300 cops are said to have shown up at another point "armed with everything from guns to rusty army swords, all in an effort to confront the spirit and, apparently challenge it to a duel. One officer even donned an ill-fitting suit of armor." Shitcakes. All they do now is bust up parties at McKibbin Lofts. [Bowery Boys]For more stories from Curbed, go to curbed.com.

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