$15 Handbags? Chanel clothes at 80% off? These are the huge discounts you can get only at these sample sales around town. And a sign of the times: many of these sales, posted on lazarshopping.com, are being extended.
Through April 17 at 385 Fifth Avenue on the 10th Floor in Manhattan
Their annual Spring/Summer sample and stock sale has been extended with tons of new merchandise. You can get their signature Italian leather and fabric handbags-- including hobos, satchels, clutches and rolling weekenders-- from just $15 to %150. And you can save an extra 10% if you make a cash purchase of more than $100.
Through April 11 at the Crowne Plaza Hotel in Englewood, NJ
Sample Sale Productions has the largest selection of Chanel outside of Chanel! At this special sale, you'll find hundreds of new and mint vintage designer handbags at 70% off as well as sunglasses, jewelry and coats. Discounts on clothing from other luxury designers are up to 80%.
Through April 11 at 475 Park Avenue in Manhattan
Jay Kos, provider of the finest in Italian men's clothing, holds a rare sale of his Anglo-Italian pretty style with savings up to 60% off. There's outerwear, suits, sport jackets, pants, shirts, polo, sweaters and vests, as well as shoes from Edward Green. Appointments aren't necessary but they'll appreciate a call before you arrive.
Through April 30 at 1150 Avenue of the Americas on the 8th Floor in Manhattan
Here you'll find one-of-a-kind gifts like hand-embroidered jackets and coats at up to 60% off. A wide selection of colorful shawls/stoles start at just $10. There's a close-out on pashminas, with prices starting at only $19. Fine, hand-knotted oriental and silk carpets are up to 50% off.