Holland Taylor got a political surprise last night at Lincoln Center when former President Bill Clinton, who figures prominently in her dynamic solo play “Ann,” dropped in for a visit backstage -- and he wasn’t alone.
The former chief executive was joined by his wife, former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton; former Congresswoman Gabby Giffords; her husband, the astronaut Mark Kelly; and, for good measure, Oscar winner Meryl Streep.
There’s a moment toward the end of Taylor’s “Ann,” ca. the early 1990s, where Taylor, as one-time Texas Gov. Ann Richards, is on a phone call with then-President Clinton: “Oh, say ... Bill? Hang on a sec. I forgot to ask you,” she drawls into the phone...”
“No, seriously, listen, you will know the answer to this. So, now, if you ... if you are born in Arkansas ... and you get married in Arkansas ... but then, you move to Texas, and you get a divorce? Are you still brother and sister?”
What we’d have given to see the look on Bill and Hill’s face when she said that.