
Lost Puppy From Brooklyn Crossed Two States and Two Tunnels Before Being Found

A German Shepherd named Bailey made his way through the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel on Saturday, the Holland Tunnel on Sunday and the Gowanus Bay the week before

NBC Universal, Inc.

A 7-month-old puppy is recovering after an incredible nine-day journey spanning two states, two rivers and six miles.

The dog, a German Shephard named Bailey, ran away from his home in Brooklyn and made it all the way to Jersey City. The pup took off from his Red Hook yard on April 29, and then went on quite the adventure.

His four paws then took him through the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel on Saturday, the Holland Tunnel on Sunday and the Gowanus Bay the week before.

"He's insane, he's incredible. He's got the record," said Harriet Zucker, Bailey's trainer and the director of Red Hook Dog Rescue.

Zucker had been helping the canine through some behavioral issues for several weeks, before his owner said he got out and was missing. She search had been ongoing since the day Bailey got loose, and despite making and distributing fliers, there had been only a few spottings.

"Once I knew he didn't die in the water, that's what I was afraid of...I figured one way or the other, we're gonna find him," Zucker said.

Bailey, who is young and takes a long time to trust people, was spotted in a New Jersey Home Depot parking lot on Sunday. That's where Port Authority Police Officer Andrew Vignapiano got harnessed up, going out onto a ledge at the parking garage to rescue the terrified dog.

"Slowly made my way closer, told the dog he’s a good boy good girl and I was able to get the leash on the dog," said Vignapiano, who has a Husky himself. "I'm blowing kisses and saying all the sweet things we say to dogs."

Bailey was brought in from the ledge, and is much calmer since being found. He has captured the hearts of the vet techs at the Vet Emergency and Referral Group in Brooklyn, where he is getting treated for the wound on his leg after the adventure of a lifetime.

Zucker said that once Bailey is fully healed and back to 100 percent, he will be put up for adoption, where she's sure he's find a family.

"Everybody falls in love with him, so I think he's going to be fine," she said.

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