Email Scan

We scan the inbox so you don't have to. Today, only one item of note:

Best Bets Daily: A collection of soothing mobiles
Brooklyn Based: Not updated
DailyCandy: How to register to vote (deadline's Oct.10)
DailyCandy Kids:
Kristine Baerlin makes pop-art baby portraits
Gen Art Pulse: Twolive Tree's Sherlock Holmes—inspired fall collection (pictured)
MUG: Anti-spam services and hardware
Refinery29: The best six collections from Paris Fashion Week
Thrillist: East Midtown's shiny new Mediterranean joint Naya
UrbanBaby Daily: Cooper-Hewitt's exhibit on children's wallpaper
VSL: Not updated
WWWD: Wayne and Garth: Unlikely style iconsFor more stories from Racked, go to

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