Want to Be a Part of LX New York?

Money Questions
Email your money and finance questions to moneyquestions@lxnewyork.com.

Need to update your look? Tell us why you want a makeover at makeover@lxnewyork.com.

Home Takeover
Do you want Sara Gore to cook at your house? Do you hope George Oliphant will rescue you from your design dilemmas? Email us at hometakeover@lxnewyork.com and tell us why we should shoot an entire episode of LX New York from your house!

Email your best recipes to recipes@lxnewyork.com. You could get the chance to come on to the show and cook your recipe with Sara Gore.
Live Rescues
Find relief from your design dilemmas...on live TV! Email photos and a description of your problem to liverescue@lxnewyork.com.

Send your birthday, engagement/wedding, congratulations, and other personal messages/shout outs that you'd like to see on air to announcements@lxnewyork.com. Be sure to send a jpeg photo of the honoree(s), along with a short description of what they're celebrating and where they live.
General Contact: contact@lxnewyork.com

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