
MTA Announces Digital Dashboard to Help Commuters Compare Subway Lines

It’s a question many straphangers have pondered for a while now: is my train the slowest in the city?

The MTA Monday announced a plan to give subway riders definitive answers and they all come at the palm of your hand.

A new, user-friendly metrics dashboard is the new way straphangers can compare and contrast all the different subway lines for things such as major incidents, peak trains capacity, wait and travel times, and mechanical failures.

The MTA said it’s all about transparency.

“It is really important for our riders to understand what’s causing the delays and more importantly how it’s impacting their wait time,” MTA Chairman Joe Lhota said.

Some straphangers, however, are skeptical of the new technology.

“At this point I think the MTA is so messed up that you can have all the information you want but they really need to fix the system,” Lindsay Erickson of Inwood said.

On the other hand, some riders are hopeful.

“I could see how it could be a benefit,” David Ajasin of Washington Heights said. “Somebody who frequently takes different trains to go to various different boroughs they could plan their trips better.”

The new digital dashboard will be officially up and running on Wednesday.

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