Levis CurveID Brings a Thousand to Bryant Park

Levis announced it would be giving away free pairs of its new CurveID jeans to the first thousand people who brought a clothing donation to Bryant Park this morning, and boy, was it one packed affair.  We stopped the event and learned that freebie hopefuls had lines up as early as 6 am.

By the time we arrived to scope out the scene, the group had reached capacity—a line wrapped around the perimeter of the park, and was closed to new arrivals (some of whom turned pretty nasty). Early birds started queuing up at 6am, we were told, having heard about the chance at a free pair of new blues by various channels, including the Levi's Facebook page, Daily Candy and a promotional email from Self magazine.

Upon arriving, participants waited over an hour to get their confirmed appointment slots (for between the hours of 10am-8pm), to try on the new line of jeans.The peppy teenagers we talked to were nearing the head of the line around 10:30am and had arrived at 9am after reading about the deal on Facebook. When we informed them the line was now closed, they immediately texted their late-rising girlfriends to save them the trip.

Once inside, shoppers could browse the mall of white tents and try on jeans with a Levi's consultant--after, of course, dropping off their donation in the Good Will bin. And while the free jeans are all spoken for, it's still a good opportunity to donate—the bins are still open for drop-offs.

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